sophiewilliamson10Oct 31, 202317 min readA Halloween Witch Trials Story Halloween feels like the perfect time to remind people about my witchy books, The Twisted Mark and the Binding Mark. The latter actually...
sophiewilliamson10Mar 18, 20231 min readWitch Trials Book 1 and 2 to be published by Storm I'm so excited to share the news that my Witch Trial books are going to be published this year by Storm Publishing. ook one in the series...
sophiewilliamson10Sep 24, 202212 min readBook Querying Basics When it comes to trying to get an agent—and by extension, a traditional publishing deal—there’s a lot of information on the internet...
sophiewilliamson10Jan 6, 202210 min readReflections of a former AMM mentor. Or "how to take a query from "nothing wrong" to "something rightThis time last year, as a first time AMM mentor, I was eagerly anticipating the opening of the inbox (this year, I’m instead sat around...